
Gordon hates everybody - Labour voters included/April 30th 2010.

Richie - After a busy morning campaigning and having a giggle with the locals about Gordy's Rochdale slip-up our group of Labour workers decided to retire to the nearest pub for a snifter and a spot of lunch. Would you believe it - we walked into the lounge to discover a cabal of Tories quaffing champers in the corner. As you can imagine the place descended into a High Noon hush and the regulars ducked for cover. It wasn't long before the insults began to fly. "Here come the peasants!" shouted one little Tory toe-rag. "Can't wait until Georgie Osbourne cuts their dole" squealed a high-pitched Henrietta. But we didn't rise to the bait even when they began to chant "Cam's our man!" and "Tally Ho socialist scum!" As we were leaving one of their number stood and lit a cigar in protest at "Brown's Stalinist smoking ban." Unfortunately the dipstick set off the fire alarm and sprinkler system, drenching his toff colleagues and causing four fire engines to arrive for no good reason. Mad innit!

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