
I've heard of a Mexican standoff,but.../August 17th 2012.

Richie - Old Wob and several other members of the Cum-to-Piddle Liberation Front have hot-footed it down to Knightsbridge to defend the human rights of Saint Julius of Assange. This brave man is not a computer hacker, Richie, as you and your Rightist chums like to label him, but a publisher who has exposed conspiracy and lies at the heart of governments around the world. Needless to say, exposing the truth is usually the job of news journos but many news jounos got into bed with the media moguls years ago and are only fit to write about buxom babes and toe the mogul line. How strange that you defend the rights of Gary McKinnon but can't wait to have Assange herded off to the nearest show trial! Anyone would think that it's because Assange's political views don't chime with your own. And since when has nacissism been a crime ? If it was then the courts would be packed with troughing journos and politicos! Pray for St Julius of Assange I say!

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