
Here comes Jay-Tee and Ashley Cole, Aaaaarrrrghhhhh!/August 14th 2012.

Richie - Old Wob and Mrs Bob No 3 have been parked in front of the telly these past 2 weeks cheering on multi-effnik Team GB, our Olympic scepticism banished after Lord Danny Boyle's inspired Marxist opening ceremony! Indeed, the Olympics have turned out to be a major poke in the eye for the UK's Right Wing Windbags! Who would have thought that the most lauded man in Britain would be a Somali-born Muslim named Mohammad ? Or that the private sector would prove itself to be the troughing, inefficient waste of space we all knew it was ? Or that the stars of the closing ceremony would be a procession of gay and bisexual singers and a reformed druggie singing I Am The Walrus ? The London games have been a triumph of multiculturalism and international harmony I say! Rather than an advert for Rightist dog eat dog competitiveness they were a vindication of equality and humility and the IOC mantra that it's the taking part that counts! Now, let's build on the success of multi-effnik Team GB, get rid of the unelected Tory-led Coagulation and bring some real pride back to our great nation I say! (Hic!)

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