
Toytown Trots, Twitter and the Trumpton riots/November 12th 2010.

Richie - Yesterday I helped my artistocratic neighbour Lady Tabitha Wilmot-Brown decorate her home for Xmas. Beautiful Lady Tab, a crypto-anarchist of the highest order, had just returned from the Millbank riot. While I held the ladder - and she attached festive figures of Marx and Engels to her grade 2 listed manor - Tab told me all about her fun-packed day. "It was glorious, Bob darling" she purred. "After the demo I met with friends in Mayfair and we went for a scrumptious meal at Le Gavroche before partying the night away at Stringfellows! Why didn't you tag along, you old trout ?" I must admit, Richie, as I peered up the ladder and spied the shapely form of Lady Tab's derriere it was difficult to engage in meaningful conversation. "Not to worry sweetie" she sighed. "Plenty more riots against the vile ConDems next year. Now, is Trotters looking ok peeps ?" at which point her inflatable neon Trotsky lit up and the Song of the Volga Boatmen blared out from a giant pair of speakers!

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