
Next time the Chandlers should stick to the Solent/November 16th 2010.

Richie - How right you are to criticise this bonkers couple who sailed into pirate-infested waters! However, the Chandler's plight reminded me of the story of Great-grandpop Roberts who went on missionary work in darkest Africa back in the late 1800s. He too was kidnapped by members of a savage tribe who threatened to cook him in their giant pot unless the good people of Worcester sent them a hundred bags of silver. Well, needless to say, the local populace weren't bothered about the old duffer in the slightest and rejoiced that it would put an end to his insufferable street-corner preaching. But Great-grandpop Roberts proved a redoubtable customer and managed to secure his release just as the pot began to bubble! What's more he lived out his remaining years with his captors and sired twenty three offspring which is why to this day certain African tribes greet one another with the words "I say!" and enjoy a mid-afternoon snooze in their comfy chairs after a snifter or three! Mad innit!

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