
Why my wife's PoW grandad wouldn't mark a minute's silence for the Japanese/March 22nd 2011.

Richie - We were enjoying weekend snifters in the snug and watching the latest news from Japan on the 60 inch flat screen tv behind the bar when a couple of gobby BNP activists walked in and demanded ale. Needless to say, Rich, our snug is welcome to all who observe common decency and manners. But these two invertebrates rubbed us up the wrong way with their spiteful comments. "Who cares about Japan!" one mumbled. "They're not like us, they've got funny eyes" sniggered his dozy mate. But our anger reached boiling point when the first shouted for all to hear: "The Japs lost the war and ain't gonna discover a cure for cancer! Who gives a toss!" It was at this point that my dear Thai wife, Mrs Bob No 3 (who, incidentally, has family members living in Tokyo) executed a mid-air Bruce Lee-style kung-fu chop that blasted the nasty critters out of the door and onto their backsides in the street where they belong. That's what makes this country great I say! Eh, Rich ? Rich ? You there Rich ?

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