
How do you plead? Deal or no deal?/September 9th 2011.

Richie - This week I took Mrs Bob on an awayday to Buck Palace after she'd nagged to see the royal wedding dress. I must say the old pocket book was hit hard, what with the entrance fee and a glossy souvenir. But Old Wob gamely tried to look interested as gaggles of Americans, Japs and blue rinses from the shires Ooohed and Aaahed at a bit of expensive white material, counting each stitch of lace as though it had been knitted by The Virgin herself. I was hoping Pippa's undercrackers would be on show too but no such luck and after two hours of weary palace-wandering I convinced Mrs Bob we should retire for a spot of lunch at a high end eatery. Would you Adam and Eve it, Rich, sitting at the next table was a top ranking Tory politico, gorging himself on lobster, oysters and other expensive treats. "There's good honest folk in Worcester who have less to spend in a month than the cost of your meal" I said to which he gave me the finger and growled: "Naff off you Labour oik!" Disgraceful, I say!

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