
Justice stabbed in the heart by yuman rites/November 26th 2010.

Richie - In keeping with ShamCam's fruitcake idea of the Big Society I took up my clip-board, donned my elf n safety goggles, and went off to find out if people were happy or not. I must say the response wasn't good and my survey soon changed tack, ditching the question of happiness and asking folk instead what made them feel so depressed. Of course, the unelected ConDems came top, closely followed by bankers, the weather, and those nutty reality tv stars that seem to dominate our screens. But the name of one group cropped up with alarming regularity. Old Mrs Thomas from No 75 summed em up a treat. "Ooh, those Right-Wing windbags in the media get right up my goat!" she said with a huff. "With their badly-researched, overwhelmingly biased columns they terrify the heebie-jeebies out of poor old folk like me!" If only Wisteria had the power to sack the Right Wing whingers and moaners the world it seems would be a better place. What do you reckon Richie ? Richie ? Are you there, Rich...?

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