
Let's go for gold...not the shopping with violence we saw a year ago/August 7th 2012.

Richie - How right you are to blame the Pol Pottist Guardian and the Marxist-Feminist BBC for last year's riots! Why, everyone knows that Gardener's Question Time is nothing more than a viper's nest of Communist thinking and that the Guardian's vile expose of our upstanding bankers and journalists is a sinister Left Wing plot to undermine all that is great about this country! How dare those rioting feral yooves whinge and moan about being sent down for 10 years for pinching designer socks and branded water when our heroic bankers are working round the clock trying to rectify Labour's despicable attempt to fix the Libor rate and bring down the capitalist edifice that has served mankind so well. Those poor bankers who have inadvertantly misplaced trillions of squid have probably dropped it behind their Gucci sofas and yet the Lefties are demanding these innocents are banged up for 6 months - it's an outrage I say! And don't get me started about the Olympics, Rich. The DM was right to classify all those Team GB athletes with strange surnames as "Plastic Brits"! And that Trotskyite Danny Boyle, how dare he spend taxpayer's money on levitating industrial chimney stacks when our poor journos are being hounded by Maoist Leftie lawyers...(Note from Mrs Bob: "Wob given wong medicine in chemist and he not fanny today")

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