
Coming up after the latest Salford news Corporation Street/April 13th 2012.

Richie - How right you are to have a hissy fit about the Marxist Pol Pottist Trotskyite Arfur Scargill-worshipping Auntie Beeb's move to miserable drizzly Salford! Old Wob worked oop north when he was a nipper and what a grim place he remembers it to be! Full of strange northern folk who didn't at all speak Her Madge's lingo like wot we do Rich - all Commies and Trades Unionists who thought hard working ordinary folk should earn a decent wage and pension for their labour and enjoy a fully funded health care system that treats all and not just the wealthy few! Pah! Dangerous ideas as I'm sure you'll agree Rich! Why the delectable Susanna Reid wants to grace the cobbles with her abundant presence is beyond me! She ought to be shimmying dahn the old King's Road in her Laboutins, dopey good-looking bird like 'er, eh Rich ? In depth reports about phone-hacking, Syria, poverty and cuts - da Beeb ought to do some proper journalism and write about wheelie bins like Bwitain's Bestest Columnist!

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