
With 'victims' like these, the cuts can't be all bad!/October 14th 2011.

Richie - How right you are to have a hissy fit at the Marxist-Leninist Pol-Pottist Left-leaning tree-hugging Gramci-ite, Jarrow-marching BBC! How dare these wet behind the ears liberals report that wimmin are having a rough time in our Tory-led utopia! The bleeding heart unemployed should get on their bikes and look for work in the same way that old Grandad Roberts used his initiative back in the 30s and set up an illegal factory selling cheap home-made meths! That dopey bird who can't be bothered to travel to another borough is a disgrace I say! Why, thousands of enterprising young people are going the extra mile to find a job. (Is she, methinks, a Labour voter ? Either way she isn't going to find a cure for cancer, eh Rich ?) Take young Adam Werritty - a credit to our nation! This honest, upstanding chap has travelled to such far away places as Hong Kong and Singapore to earn himself a crust! That's the kind of lie back and think of England bulldog spirit we need today! Auntie Beeb should get Adam on Strictly Come Fry A 16 Ounce Steak pronto I say! (Hic!)

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